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Smile - Sougri Mana | Roselle Leaf (Dry) - 15 gm (pack of 2)

Smile - Sougri Mana | Roselle Leaf (Dry) - 15 gm (pack of 2)

Regular price Rs. 140.00
Regular price Rs. 140.00 Sale price Rs. 140.00
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  • The packet is lightweight as it contains dried vegetables.
  • The quantity will expand significantly when soaked in water.

Common Name

English :Decan hemp
Hindi :Ambari
Manipuri :Sougri

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Malvaceae
Genus :Hibiscus
Species :cannabinus  Linn.
Habit :Tall erect herb
Parts Used :Leaf, Stem and Seed
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed for decoction
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Plant yield a fatty oil for manufacturing of soap, linoleum, paints and varnishes.
Ailment Treated:Leaves are used as pot herb. Decoction of the leaves are used for hair lotion (Chenghi) and skin eruptions. Leaves are used in constipation, carminative and cough. Lotion prepared from the leaf and stem is used in venereal sores and arthritis. Seeds are used in stomachic and aphrodisiac.
Source:Cultivated extensively in valley areas.



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